BundlePro is pleased to partner with LEAP, the world's largest provider of legal cloud software for law firms. LEAP supports the software needs of law firms with a suite of products offering productivity-boosting features and time-saving tools, so lawyers can improve their businesses and better serve their communities.

LEAP’s flagship legal practice productivity solution integrates all the benefits of a state-of-the-art practice management system with legal accounting, document assembly and management, client collaboration tools, and legal publishing assets, in a single solution. As the only legal cloud software designed to integrate with BundlePro, LEAP is everything you need to run your law firm.

LEAP and BundlePro allow you to easily make changes to bundles. With control over individual pages, you can quickly re-order, move, hide, and delete pages or sections of a bundle. BundlePro also gives you the power to create placeholders within a bundle, allowing you to add additional pages or documents at a later date.

With BundlePro’s in-built forensic OCR, all documents included in your bundle become fully text searchable, allowing you to easily locate a particular paragraph, page or section for review or editing.

Find out how thousands of users are using LEAP and BundlePro to seamlessly manage their matters and bundles, all in the same place.

The LEAP Marketplace allows you to extend LEAP's capabilities to suit the needs of your law firm. LEAP users can enable BundlePro simply by signing into the LEAP Marketplace.

Discover BundlePro on the LEAP Marketplace

Visit the LEAP Marketplace today and learn more about how BundlePro can help your law firm.